Sunday 15 June 2008

Posh's facial yoga for fitness

Melbourne (ANI): English pop singer Victoria Beckham has embarked on a new fitness regime to keep her looks young - facial yoga. The Spice Girl recently admitted that she fears living in Los Angeles as it is making her look older. Posh, who had moved to LA last July when her soccer star husband David Beckham signed to the LA Galaxy football club, is so terrified that the LA climate is wrecking her skin, that she has started doing facial yoga. "Posh says the Los Angeles heat is really drying out her skin, making it sag and increasing the lines around her mouth," the Daily Telegraph quoted a source as saying. "She makes a joke out of it when people accuse her of pouting, but she hopes the exercises will stop people calling her miserable as they'll give her face more expression," the source added.