Sunday 4 May 2008

Zeppelin thrill with reunion show

Zeppelin thrill with reunion show

LED Zeppelin took to the stage in London last night for their reunification present, treating the lucky fans at the O2 Bowl to a 90-minute put.
Isaac M. Singer Henry Martyn Robert Plant, guitarist Jemmy Page, bassist John Lackland Paul Daniel Jones and drummer Jason Bonham, the boy of the belatedly LED Graf Zeppelin drummer Whoremaster Bonham, took to the stage at the O2 Arena at 9.04pm, opening with the classic 'Good Times, Badly Times'.
Other highlights of the fix included 'Dazed & Confused', 'Stairway to Heaven', 'Kashmir' and 'Whole Lotta Love'.
Last night's performance by the quartette was in aid of the Ahmet Ertegun Education Fund and will besides help oneself put up a music learnedness at Ravensbourne College in Kent.
Ertegun, wHO died shoemaker's last year, was the record label boss world Health Organization signed LED Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin to Atlantic Records.
The Ahmet Ertegun Education Fund pays for educatee scholarships to universities in the UK, US and Turkey.
More than 20m fans worldwide registered for tickets for shoemaker's last night's gig.
Listen to a special Dave Fanning programme on LED Zeppelin here.

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